A Day of Holy Silence

Last Saturday a wonderful group came together to enter into a day devoted to the ancient practices of silence and solitude. These practices are as old as the people of God. If we look at the life of Moses, David, Elijah, and many others we see that God used extended times of silence and solitude to shape them and to teach them to listen to His voice. Jesus, of course, famously began His ministry with a 40 day experience in the wilderness.

What we experienced this past Saturday was truly a gift. It was perfect weather - high 70’s with a gentle breeze. Just the sounds of birds and the wind in the pine needles. The group dispersed with each person finding a comfortable place to be still. And, from what people shared at the end, the Lord showed up! People heard from the Lord; they sensed Him leading them and comforting and challenging them. As the Psalm says of the Lord, “Be still and know that I am God”. The challenge for us is that we often struggle to be still or quiet or alone. Sometimes it’s easier to approach these practices with a community all doing it together.

I look forward already to our next day of silence! Perhaps you’ll be able to join us.

Ryan Jones