The Five Movements
Five essential disciplines that move us toward reimagining all of life in reference to Christ
The five movements described below characterize the life of Iona House. They capture what we believe is the essence of contemplative living in our setting. This kind of life is not what is offered by our world. Following Christ in this way takes intention and practice. The entire ecosystem of Iona House is designed to help us do this. Ultimately the goal of coming to Iona House is to learn this way of life in order to take it back to our own domestic settings.
Though each of these are familiar and contemporary sounding words, underlying them is a rich theology grounded in the Christian Scriptures and seen in the continuous practice of the Church, particularly the lives of the saints.
In practice there is a sense of progression to these movements. The first four movements / disciplines build upon each other and lead to the last (Delight).
Listen —> Wonder —> Give —> Order —> Delight
In a world inundated with noise and reactivity, Iona House has cultivated a distinctive setting that capacitates people to hear. Time-tested historic Christian practices of silence, solitude, and stillness help us make space to attune to the voice of God, to listen to our own soul, and to become attentive to others (which is the basis of love). Practices of study, scripture reflection, spiritual direction, and confession deepen our ability to listen well.
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” - (Jesus) Revelation 3:20
The modern emphasis on the self has clouded our spiritual vision. Our world is drowning in information, analysis, introspection, and the desire for control. We are often consumed by the project of building and seeking to control our own lives. We forget that we are creatures. Lost in ourselves, we struggle to experience the wonder and awe of our Creator. Iona House is a place to remember our fundamental creatureliness; it is a place to humbly marvel at God’s creation and meditate on His gracious redemption. Essential practices of worship, gratitude, participation in creation care, and unhurried reflection deepen and expand our sense of wonder.
“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders” - Psalm 65:8
In a society suffocating in self-protection and choking on consumption, Iona House exists as a distinct alternative. When guests come to Iona House they enter into a community of self-giving generosity. Every aspect of Iona House is sustained by this community and offered as a gift: from the fruit in the orchard, to the food we prepare, to the lodging, to the teaching and spiritual direction - all of it is joyfully offered as a sacrificial gift. It is often in giving that we discover faith, learn the joy of mutual interdependence, and find healing.
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” - (Jesus) Acts 20:35
Left to itself, life inevitably devolves toward chaos and disorder. Modern life is shaped by powerful forces continually pushing us toward an unhealthy pace, distorted desires, and simultaneously enticing us toward distraction with things that do not matter. Our lives and loves are easily disordered. Everything about Iona House is designed to bring rhythm and order to our lives. Guests are invited to immerse themselves in an ongoing rhythm of life shaped by the wise practice of the historic Church. At the center of our life together is Christ, who is Life itself - inviting us to come to Him and receive rest for our souls and life as He intended. Leaning into the long tradition of Christian formation, guests are able to reset the metronome of their lives so that they can return to everyday life with new clarity, joy, and discipline.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” - Acts 2:42
Life in our time is all-too-often anxious, hurried, hollow, and joyless. The deepest longings of our heart are for communion with God and others. The fruit of this communion is delight. It is in many ways a natural byproduct of the other four disciplines. It is also a practice we must cultivate. Practicing delight looks like offering thanksgiving in all circumstances, learning to abide in God’s presence, rejoicing in the success of others, and learning to take ourselves a bit less seriously. Delight carries with it a sense of abundance and fullness. While Iona House is no utopia, we are cultivating a place of abundance in the form of fresh produce, natural beauty, uncrowded space, unhurried time (made possible in part by the absence of digital technology), authentic conversation about the deep things of life, and most of all a place to relish the presence of God amidst fellow journeyers. Our desire is to cultivate a place of enduring joy.
“In Your presence is fullness of joy.” - Psalm 16:11