A Multi-Phase Process

The overall vision of Iona House involves a series of phases, a lot of prayer, and a broad, generous, and committed community of supporters. When completed, the 71 acres we own will be a uniquely cultivated sacred space: a place to reimagine all of life in reference to Christ.




June 2021 - November 2022

Key Milestone: raising $400,000 for the initial land purchase (Sept. 2021)

In the first phase of developing Iona House, we purchased the first 30.5 acres of undeveloped (bare) land. We began the arduous work of cleaning up a forest that had been unmanaged for several generations. We put in access roads, cleared brush, removed debris for fire safety and began dreaming about the full vision of the campus.


December 2022 - ongoing

Key Milestones:

  • Raising $1.5M to purchase additional 40.5 acres + 3 houses, barn, outbuildings, garden, etc. (April 2023)

  • Significant improvements to the campus: roads, structure upgrades, cleanup, forest management, animals (2023 and ongoing)

  • establishing the Resident Program (Jan. 2024)

In PHASE TWO, we saw the Iona House campus begin to come together and come to life. With the purchase of the two additional parcels and all of the existing infrastructure that came with them, we now have our entire campus footprint secured. We are able to enact in a miniature / limited way our overall vision.

The Present Campus




Phase Three, once completed, will bring our campus to its intended, mature form. This phase involves a number of significant steps (which will inevitably become sub-phases):

  • Obtaining a Conditional Use Permit from El Dorado County - involving fire, traffic, environmental impact, historic, biological studies and more. This will allow us to develop the Abbey vision in the way that we have imagined in accordance with the County Development Planning Code.

  • Construction of the Abbey Chapel, Main Lodge, Commons (dining hall, meeting space, library, stargazing deck, fireside room), Hermitage cabins, and cottages along with all of the infrastructure needed (utilities, roads, etc.)

  • Development of Agricultural / Farm - Fruit orchard (2 acres), vineyard, berries, organic garden, cut flowers


The Price Tag

We estimate that to bring this project to completion will require somewhere in the neighborhood of $6-7 million over the coming years. We welcome your participation in this vision via prayer, encouragement, and financial support.