A visit to San Francisco and upcoming events...

This weekend we’re headed to San Francisco to connect with a number of folks about Iona House. We’ll be doing a special gathering with Eucharist Church on Saturday and then I (Ryan) will be guest preaching for RealitySF for Palm Sunday. We’re looking forward to connecting with a lot of friends and folks in the Iona House network.

Our next event is another Community Day on Saturday, April 23rd at the Iona House property. We’re planning some other upcoming events as well: a silent retreat (1 day), a workshop about regenerative agriculture and Christian spirituality, and more. Stay tuned. We’ll put details on the website once we have them. Also, if you want to come up and get a tour of the property, please contact us and we can arrange it.

Please continue to pray for all aspects of the development of Iona House. Pray that God would provide us with great team members / leaders, a thriving intern program, an abundance of financial supporters, and more.

Here’s the photo of the day. (We have these chapel windows out on the property evoking our future prayer chapel building).

Ryan Jones