We Won!!! - The Live $10,000 giveaway
A screenshot showing Iona House as the winner of the 10k giveaway
We were one of 15 nominated Bay Area organizations who were eligible to receive a live, online $10k giveaway from a wonderful organization called Generosity Bay Area. All we had to do was get out the vote… AND YOU ALL CAME THROUGH!!! We had a fantastic crew of faithful folks show up.
All of this just happened 30 minutes ago; Elizabeth and I are sort of dumbfounded… filled with joy and gratitude. It was incredibly encouraging to us - especially as we’re in the midst of this final weeks of trying to raise a substantial amount of money to purchase the Phase II property. What we take away from this is more than the $10,000 (which is great!)… it’s a sense that there is a movement of people who believe along with us that Iona House is vital for this time. Our prayer tonight: Thanks be to God!