Within Striking Distance!!!

We’re incredibly grateful and inspired by the progress to date. All glory to God!! Go team IONA HOUSE!


  • Total pledged and/or donated to date: approx. $339,000(!!!!!!)

  • We're only about $60k from our objective of $400,000.

  • We have until August 6 to receive funds for this Phase 1a goal


We only share because it's so inspiring...

  • We've had pledges or gifts from 42 distinct giving "units" (spouses / families count as one)

  • representing 27 different churches (including 13 Bay Area and 3 Sacramento / Foothill churches)

  • Donations ranging from $100-100,000

What a joy it is to see God's people rally together for this vision. To see the small community that we are able to communicate with in this still-private-phase of this vision come up with this sort of funds is, in our minds, nothing short of the hand of God. And it's not over yet...

Ryan Jones