What's Next?

As 2021 comes to a close, Elizabeth and I find ourselves in the midst of a significant transition. Though we are moving locations and shifting into a new ministry in 2022, the overwhelming sense we have from the Lord is that the next season of our lives will be one of continuity with all that we’ve been learning and pouring ourselves into over the past 10+ years. This is a joyful thought for us as we look forward to remaining connected to those with whom we have been journeying and co-laboring. 

Amidst the swirl of emotions (grief, excitement, exhaustion) we are feeling right now, there is one overarching sensation: gratitude. God has done more than we could ask or imagine this past year. From the purchase of the first parcel of land, to the process of transition from Eucharist Church (which has been defined by stability, peace, and mutual blessing), to God providing a fantastic successor for our church(!!), to the joyful enthusiasm of a growing community of people who are with us on this journey of faith, etc., we are in awe of God’s generous goodness and provision

2022: THE PLAN

As we look toward 2022 and the ministry of Iona House, one word defines our sense of the future: potential. We don’t know exactly how everything will transpire over the coming 12 months, and that’s just fine with us. We’ve been discovering that adventures shaped by faith are much more joyful and fruitful than ones we carefully attempt to control. 

To the best of our understanding, the vision and ministry of Iona House in 2022 will be shaped by a handful of key themes. After a much needed sabbatical (January-March), we’ll jump in with both feet and begin offering Iona House our full attention in the following ways:

  • Spiritual Formation Development - prayer, “beta testing” retreat concepts, research, content formation, symposiums, workshops, classes, listening, guest speaking, etc.

  • Raw Land Development - the gorgeous, but raw land for Iona House has a lot of development ahead of it this year: both physical (well drilling, road access, brush clearing, etc.) and infrastructural (permits, research, planning, surveys, government processes, more permits, etc.)

  • Agricultural Preparation - irrigation, laying out orchards / vineyard / garden, fencing, soil preparation, etc. in order to be able to begin planting (Lord willing) in the winter of 2023

  • Gathering A Community of Partners - developing a broad and deep community to partner with us to see the vision for Iona House brought to fruition and Christ glorified

  • Institutional Infrastructure - the important work of developing our board, advisors, key processes (financial, legal, etc.), fundraising, and more

Unknowns: many… perhaps the biggest: will the other two parcels that we have right of first refusal on come available to purchase?

The goal of all of the above will remain the fulfillment of our mission: a place to reimagine all of life in reference to Christ. 


The vision of Iona House is not merely a “Christian retreat center” (of which there are dozens in Nor Cal). The vision of Iona House is to be a unique place of holistic soul formation - one that is rooted and grounded in an ancient expression of the Christian faith while simultaneously keenly aware of the contemporary challenges (and opportunities) of following Christ in the increasingly post-Christian, secular age in which we live. 

The vision for Iona House emerged precisely out of the context of doing ministry in urban, secular, San Francisco for the past 14 years. As such, our prayer is that Iona House will be a timely and strategic means of addressing the tensions and complexities of following Christ amidst the technologically-driven, busy, and demanding setting in which most of us live. Between the monastic-inspired rhythms of prayer and sacred contemplation, the organic orchard / vineyard / farm with its focus on learning to experience the wonder of being a creature amidst God’s creation, and the Christ-centered teaching and spiritual direction (and much more), Iona House will provide an immersive experience offering an alternative picture of life for guests - one in which every area of life is lived in orientation to Christ. We are convinced this will have massive missional implications to individual Christians and entire congregations. This is our hope and prayer.


We would like to invite you to consider partnering with us in two key ways: 

  • Prayer - join us in praying that God would, indeed, “build the house” (Ps. 127:1)

  • Financial Support - see ionahouse.org/donate for all the details about how to give (checks, Donor Advised Funds, credit card, ACH, stocks, etc.)

We estimate that the financial needs of this ministry for 2022 will likely be in the range of $400,000. The vast majority of that will be directed toward significant land development costs (machinery purchases, contractors, development costs, architectural design work, etc.). Additionally, one important part of our fundraising needs will be support for the operational side (i.e. salary for Elizabeth and me to invest ourselves fully in leading and developing the vision). 

We welcome you to partner with us by making a year-end gift to set up the ministry of Iona House in 2022. If you would prefer, there are also ongoing monthly support options. 


All donations made to Iona House (a ministry of the Institute for Christoformity, a 501(c)(3) religious nonprofit) are tax-deductible. A year-end receipt will be sent out in January to 2021 donors. 


We look forward to sharing the unfolding adventure with you via email updates, pictures/videos, and via our blog at the Iona House website. We will be hosting vision walks, work days, and a number of other opportunities to see and experience the Iona House site starting in April 2022. We'll keep you in the loop...

May the Lord richly bless you as you enter into the fullness of the joy of the Feast of the Nativity (Christmas). May the Light of Christ illumine our hearts and minds in the midst of darkness around us. 

In Hope, Joy, and Gratitude,

Ryan & Elizabeth
co-founders of Iona House / Institute for Christoformity

Ryan Jones